Campus Dance Academy
CDA Story
Campus Dance Academy has been a dream in the making for quite a few years, and is finally here to promote, educate and develop young dancers grades PreK through 8 within Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra Beach and St. Augustine, Florida. Through multiple styles of dance, students are provided the opportunity to explore dance vocabulary, choreography, and enhance their technique and performance confidence conveniently after school within their own school campus.
All CDA curriculum is designed to be safely taught in a variety of facility spaces and is easily moved to the stage when the time comes to show off what the children worked on each session. Each 15-week session culminates in a recital or concert designed specifically for each school campus. The beauty of this design is all performances are held in-house within each school’s auditorium or stage setting making the entire CDA experience extremely relaxed, efficient and organized for school administration, faculty, staff, parents and dancers.
The goals for CDA are to:
Introduce various styles of dance and cheerleading to young people grades PreK through 8 and their families
Cultivate an appreciation for the performing arts
Foster teamwork and encourage creative thinking
Pursuing creativity with strong technique, confidence and joy.